「Round Kangchenjunga」 Douglas W. Freshfield 1903年
“The name Kangchenjunga (however it may be spelled) is fairly familiar to the British public. A superb object from ’the Mail’ of the most frequented health resort of Bengal, the great mountain is the most conspicuous of Himalayan peaks. Of late years a few officials and travelers have undertaken the pilgrimage to its southern base, which had been made from prehistoric times by the native dwellers on the lower spurs. But, owing partly to the cost and the difficulty of travel in Independent Sikkim, and partly to the obstacle presented by the Nepalese frontier, no European had, up to the end of the nineteenth century, gone round the mountain. Even Sir Joseph Hooker had not approached near enough to it to explore its glaciers, which had consequently never been described by any competent hand; while many of them had never been visited by Englishmen. In the sheets of official surveys they had been alternately ignored and caricatured. There was no map in existence which even pretended to show the snows and glaciers of the region on any system recognized in modern scientific surveys. “
“This volume is a description of the first Tour of Kangchenjunga made by Europeans. Its object is not so much to offer another tale of mountaineering adventure as to provide an account of the scenery and glacial features of Kangchenjunga Group that may be serviceable to Alpine climbers and men of science, and not without interest for those who ‘love the glories of the world’ and count among them great mountains. ”
最初の登頂の試みは1905年、イギリス人 アレイスター・クローリーをマネージャーとした1人のイタリア人と3人のスイス人からなる登山隊であった。実質的なリーダーはスイス人のジャコ=ギャルモであった。ヤルン谷からキャンプを進めたが、当時ヒマラヤ高峰の気象や登山適期はよくわかっておらず、夏のモンスーン季に入山したことが仇となり多量の降雪に阻まれ、6300mの到達にとどまった。雪崩に寝袋を流されて、寝袋なしで3晩を過ごしたために衰弱したアレクシス・パッヘをジャコが先頭になってBCへ向かって下って行く途中で雪崩に遭遇、3人のポーターとバッヘが死亡、試みは失敗した。
「Im Kamph um den Himalaya」 Paul Bauer 1931
1929年、ドイツのパウル・バウアー隊長が率いる8人のクライマーがゼム氷河に入った。4940mにBCを設営、北東稜に向い、前進基地として4940mにC6を建設した。彼らはミュンヘンを中心としたババリアの山で同志的に結ばれた強い結束を誇っていた。5830mに「鷲の巣」と呼んだC7、さらに北東稜沿いにC8、C9、サイン両上の最難関を通り抜けて7000mにC10 とキャンプを進めた。C8から上はすべて雪洞が使われた。10月3日、C10を出発した2人の隊員が7200mまで達し、あとキャンプを2つ伸ばせば登頂できると判断された。その直後に天候が大きく崩れ、その後5日間烈しい吹雪となった。バウアー隊長はやむなく退却を決意した。荒天下の極めて困難な退却で、全員がBCにたどり着いたのはC10出発後4日目であった。ドイツ人らしいその整然とした不屈の撤退に世界から称賛を浴びた。
(和訳:「ヒマラヤに挑戦して」伊藤愿訳1931年 山岳館蔵書ガイド参照)
「The Kanchenjunga Adventure」 Francis S.Smythe 1930
「Um den Kantch」 Paul Bauer 1933
1931年、再びパウル・バウアーが率いるドイツ隊が挑戦した。前回同様、北東稜にキャンプを進めたが、「鷲の巣」(C7) の上部で滑落事故が発生、隊員とシェルパが墜死した。体勢を立て直して再度挑戦、9月17日、7360mに作ったC11から出発した2名が7750mに達したが、北東稜はここから70m切れ落ちていて、しかも対面の斜面は雪崩の危険が極めて高かった。この斜面のう回路を発見することができず、断念するよりほかの術がなかった。
(和訳:「ウム・デン・カンチ」慶応山岳部有志訳/登高会/1936 山岳館蔵書ガイド参照)
「Kangchenjunga 」 John Tucker 1955
「Kangchenjunga-The Untrodden Peak」 Charles Evans 1956
“In the last few years, seven of the world’s highest mountains have been climbed. The reasons are the accumulation of knowledge, both of climbing at great heights and of individual mountains, and the development of equipment. To-day, we climb in down suits and light wind proofs, wear well insulated boots, sleep on air-mattresses in warm bags, and use oxygen sets both by day and by night; and when we think of men of the early expeditions. in their tweed jackets and knee-length puttees, felt hats, scarves and shooting-boots, and remember that without oxygen sets they carried camps as high as our highest, and climbed to a height about equal to that of Kangchenjunga, we are filled with respect.
It is the use of oxygen which, above all, has made the difference. This has made it possible to live high, yet continue to climb with vigor; men are less dependent now on their individual capacity to do with little oxygen; speed of climbing is increased, so that camps be set farther apart and farther from the summit; Sherpas use oxygen to climb to the highest camps. It was use of oxygen that made Everest possible; it played its part in Jean Franco’s wonderful achievement on Makalu, when nine members of his expedition reached the summit; and on Kangchenjunga it made the final stages swifter and more sure.”
(和訳:カンチェンジュンガ その成功と記録 島田巽訳 朝日新聞社1957)
![]() 1.EVEREST登頂の記録 |
![]() 3. Nanga Parbat |